This section contains definitions of terms and phrases tossed about by WebRing. Please note this page is far from complete.

ACTIVE: The preferred status of a membership as it's listed on the ring and accessible to visitors.

JAVASCRIPT: The language of the SSNB

LOGIN ID: The ID you created in the system with which you log into the system in order to access your rings and memberships.

NAVBAR LOGO: An image which is uploaded or linked to for display on the Ring's navbar. If uploaded, the graphic cannot exceed a file size of 25K. In the default navbar, it will appear as a 50x50 pixel image.

PENDING: Status of a new site, not yet reviewed by the manager. There is nothing the member can do to change this status. Once the membership is reviewed by the manager it will either be approved (and possibly suspended) or denied.

RING ID: The 16-character, or less, alphanumeric identifier of a ring. It distinguishes each ring in the system. For rings created prior to 05SEP2000, the manager could select the ID. After that date, it was created by the system based upon the chosen title of a new ring. It can be found within the parameters of any ring navigation command:

RING LOGO: An image which is uploaded or linked to for display on the Ring's Hub page. If uploaded, the graphic cannot exceed a file size of 25K.

RING MANAGER: The person who is responsible for the daily operations of a particular ring. This person should be knowledgable enough to guide and assist members.


SITE ID#: The numeric identifier of a membership. It distinguishes each site in the ring. When a site applies to a ring, it is assigned the lowest unused number. It can be found within the parameters of any ring navigation command:

SSNB: Server-side Navigation Bar. The JavaScript snippet which creates the webring stack for your registered URL. You need only display one of these per unique URL submitted to WebRings.

Stack: The group of ring memberships under one U#. When displayed, they "stack" one atop another neatly

SUSPENDED: Status of a site usually seen because it FAILs the checker test. Prior to yelling at the ring manager, TEST your site, it may not have been tested properly by the system.

U#: The 8 to 17 digit number which is used within the SSNB to create your ring stack;y=andrea;u=10003483



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